I've stopped doing 'guest posts' for awhile but I wanted to feature someone on my blog mainly because I love her to bits & since I've started my own lifestyle change there is on person who has continued to inspire me it's her. You can view celebrities daily and be in awe of how much weight they've lost so quickly but I don't feel they keep it real enough for me...I admire the woman who can keep it honest and tell you how it really is....
I call stef my baby boo & a real woman. Everything about her is real, from her life troubles to how she tells you the truth, when this woman is happy she's the second sun in California. There's no pretence, she don't cover up when it's hard, ish is hard. She has proven to me that when you want to change you have to work hard & it does pay....
Would you like to introduce yourself? Hi! 'ello! Hola! Im Stefanie from Ifcurvescouldtalk.com, Im a Leo, I like long walks to the fridge and every time I run, I hear claps...turns out my thighs are my biggest cheerleaders.
What does your blog consist of? My blog consists of fashion, beauty, health and lifestyle
Why did you start blogging? I started blogging to help other women who are/were in my shoes to feel less alone. I was in a bad relationship with a man who did drugs and ended up getting physical with me, not to mention I was overweight, sad, and I didn't love myself. I was at a point where I wanted to die. So I started blogging. I was hoping to find women who can help me and in the end they did help me up, so I decided to return the deed. If I can save one life, my life on earth is complete.
Being a long time follower of your blog, I’ve seen your transition over the years – What is the biggest obstacle you’ve overcome? My biggest obstacle I have had to overcome is LOVING MYSELF. I am my own worst enemy and sometimes I will admit, I dont love myself. Its a struggle.
You have done amazingly well on your weight loss, what keeps you motivated? My motivation comes from different places. My mother who is on the weight loss journey too, my Zumba teach Daisy, my friends who love and support me, my readers, and most of all the size 24 pants I used to wear. They all remind me that I can and will continue to be on this journey and inspire me on a daily basis and keeps me motivated.
Are you currently on a weight loss program? I am on Weight Watchers
How long have you been working out – if so what are your favourite workouts? I barely started working out in 2011 when I felt it was comfortable for me. I did the whole gym thing and found it to be boring. I walked into a Zumba class and I have never left. My Zumba instructor Daisy not only pushes me and every body part of me to the limit, but she makes it feel as if I am in a room with friends dancing. It has done wonders for me.
What advice would you give anyone who wants to get fit & be healthy? Do it FOR YOU! You gotta do it for you or else it wont work. You have to be clear about your goal but be flexible about the process of achieving it.
I find diets pretty hard and I end up being quite miserable while on them – How do you look upon your eating habits? This is a LIFESTYLE for me. It is something I plan on doing for the rest of my life. Portion control and exercise....I cant imagine life without it. I know I am gonna have bad days. I also am gonna have great days! But I cant stress this enough to people who are losing weight....NEVER DEPRIVE YOURSELF! The more you deprive yourself, the more you will want it and then you will eat tons of it! I also NEVER use the word diet...I know once I say that, its bound to fall apart. The words DIET, CANT, AND WONT are not in my vocab when it comes to changing my eating habits. PORTION CONTROL IS KEY!
[I just took note, this is not a diet I've put myself on but a lifestyle change.]-laa
What is your definition of beauty? Beauty isnt something you can see. Its something you feel inside. I am a firm believer that beautiful people have beautiful hearts. At the end of the day, looks wont matter. What matters is how someone treats themselves and others.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself having If Curves Could Talk help empower women and be able to go out and speak to teens and women who are dealing with what I have went through. I hope to have my book finished and being happy.
Favourite Quote: Let go or or dragged!
Quick word association - first thing that comes to mind:
Love: Me
Inspiration: Mom
Expression: Happiness
Hair: Curly!
California: Beaches
It's also Stefanie's birthday today :
happy birthday baby boo!!