Beauty Secrets From Across The Globe

The world is made up of many fascinating countries, each with their own languages, beliefs – and beauty secrets. Pampering tips and techniques differ from place-to-place, so let’s check out some of the best from across the globe:


According to the Huffington Post, Indian brides rub turmeric and chickpea flower into their skin before their big day. This is thought to reduce any inflammations on the skin and is a great exfoliant and moisture-absorber.


Pawpaw ointment – made from pawpaw or papaya – is a popular beauty treatment in Australia and is used to cure sunburn, bites, rashes and dry skin. It can also soften the cuticles of the nails, so why not give it a go?

West Africa

Facial peels can reduce the signs of ageing, but many people in West Africa rely on Shea butter to do the job. This wonderful moisturiser softens and hydrates the skin and can even reduce stretch marks during pregnancy.

South America

Believe it or not, avocados can transform the way you look. They’re packed with antioxidants which protect the skin from free radicals and the avocado’s peel can exfoliate your complexion. What’s more, the juicy flesh can be turned into a nourishing face mask and is popular with South Americans.


The geishas and monks of Japan rely on bird poo to cleanse their face – but not any type of excrement. They use nightingale poop which is ground up and applied to the skin with rice bran – before being washed off. Tom Cruise is said to be a fan of this beauty tip, but would you give it a go?


Did you know that bee venom facials are popular in the UK? Rumour has it that the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Cornwall are fans! This controversial product is thought to control the muscles in the face and is a pain-free alternative to Botox.

Plastic surgery is performed at many reputable clinics, but it seems natural products are also popular. Are there any strange beauty tips you have picked up from around the world that you use in your daily routine?

Would you do any of these ?

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