Conscious Skincare Grapefruit Lemon and Cedarwood Body Polish & Body Butter.

Grapefruit Lemon and Cedarwood Body Polish & Grapefruit Lemon and Cedarwood Body Butter complement each other well, not to be said that you cannot mix and match others from the range but for me, I enjoy the scent one after the next once I’ve left the shower. Very uplifting. The body polish contains fair trade Organic Sugar and Organic Glycerin that helps to gently and effectively lift dirt & remove dead skin to leave smoother and cleaner skin. I love a good sugar scrub, due to the glycerine with the Grapefruit Lemon and Cedarwood Body Polish, which is noticeable within the tin, it’s hydrating but also it’s a humectant meaning it attracts and locks in moisture, your new smooth skin will be moisturised and protected.

Grapefruit essential oil, cleanses, tones and supports healthy looking skin. Lemon essential oil has astringent and detoxifying properties, rejuvenating tired or dull looking skin but also assists in balancing skin by reducing excessive oil levels, it helps reduces the skins pore size by being an effective skin toner. Cedarwood essential oil, can promote healthy & clear skin with a calming affect with astringent properties it’ll benefit muscle and skin tone. Now while both of them contain these oils the Grapefruit Lemon and Cedarwood Body Butter which is whipped into a souffle texture this contains organic fair trade Shea butter & organic Cocoa butter are intensive moisturisers, both of which I love and use them raw on my skin from time to time, nothing better. They're amazing to help irritated, dry skin - neither do I have but if you do, these butters are gorgeous, they leave the skin baby soft and with a healthy sheen. Also organic virgin coconut oil & organic sunflower oil, rich in Vitamin E, regenerates skin cells, making it great for skin with pigmentation, giving an even skin tone. The body butter is soft, melt as it touches the skin and absorbs with ease. As October started to creep in, the temperature has dropped and it's certainly chilly, making these an ideal product to help keep the skin clear, smooth, moisturised & protected.

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