Pranamat ECO Mat

What's a Pranamat?
It's a therapeutic manual massage mat, made of European certified eco-friendly materials assembled in Latvia while also being the first massage mat approved by US FDA as a medical device. It's so eco and raw the ingredients within the mat are : Hips plastic – certified for use in surgical equipment and fully hypoallergenic · natural linen – safe for both your body and the environment · real cotton – completely natural, without any artificial dyes or chemicals · actual coconut fiber – nature’s best fiber for this mat. Pranamat currently comes in 6 colours, I choose the orange, something bright with the natural contrast.

The benefits seeing as it can be used for numerous problems such as: neck & back pain, sciatica, headaches, to help you fall asleep faster & also cellulite reduction. Within the packaging you get a user booklet (which I highly suggest you read), that gives you suggestions on how to use your mat which is extremely helpful as it guides you to how long you need to use the mat for depending on what you're using it for.

First Impressions
When I first took this out, I was surprised at the plastic lotus all on the mat, to be honest, I didn't know what to expect but I remember saying woah! When feeling the the plastic lotus that cover this mat, which are extremely firm, which is a good thing because you're going to need that firmness on the skin. I decided to lay it down on the floor and I had only shorts and a jersey fabric vest top on, wooo! Yeah, that was something lol, first time round I learnt, wear longer pants and a tee because the more and more it's used you get use to the sensation, it's not as startling against the skin because in the booklet, I'm seeing a male laying clothes off - he's more experienced.
It's recommended to use this 2 times a day during the first 3 weeks then afterwards 3-4 times a week, every day or when you feel it's necessary. This mat isn't to be used on a full stomach so the most ideal time would be upon waking up, the mat aides a good wake up start and it also helps you to fall asleep by relaxing you. I've been using it after a workout, during meditation and just when I want to relieve some stress.
If I've worked my legs a bit more during a workout, I'll lay with my legs solely on the mat to help muscle tension, I find this can help me, it's increasing the blood flow. It's giving the legs a massage that it needs after such a programme. I'll mostly put this on my bed rather than on the floor which you can do and lay for 20 - 40 minutes. Although I do also find if it's on a flat surface and with a pillow (preferably a sausage one if you've got one) under the mat for the legs, I get more pressure on the points. Another thing this has helped me with, headaches, you hear of acupuncture for headaches and this can help and if I just lay with it on my neck and on the lower portion of my head, it can ease the pain. If I'm sitting at a desk, I'll put my feet on it, to help the circulation and the same goes for my hands.

Not only am I using it, my grandmother is too for her hip and back pain & she's admitted she feels better after usage. So it's for all ages and in the long run cheaper than continuously going for acupuncture, this mat is convenient to you.

Purchase:Pranamat & Pillows

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