Lancôme Rose Milk x Rose Sorbet Cryo Mask

C’mon, if you’ve been around this blog for a while you’ll already know, I’m triggered by a couple of keywords – acid & glow. I’m a firm believer in both of those, so yeah I guess if acid rain was to appear, I’d be happy to stand around. One face mask I’ve really been loving for a quick fix is this Lancôme Rose Sorbet Cryo Mask. A key ingredient – well what do you know – salicylic acid. 

A 5 minute mask that’s ready to give us a pore minimising, fresh glowing skin. 

It’s refreshingly cooling and having to wear these masks now, we know maskne is real! (see below👇) It’s going to be oxford dictionary official soon because so many of us are suffering from it, I constantly keep breaking out on the bottom right side of my chin, as soon as I get the spot down – of course pigmentation is left and give it a week and another one wants to appear. 

What is Maskne & What causes it ? 

With the warm air that we are continuously breathing into our masks and the friction that can occur (especially if you’re talking quite a bit) it’s a breeding playground for bacteria. Sweat, bacteria and the moisture are allowed to just play and breed – let’s not even forget if you’re wearing make-up that’s clogging up your pores even more. Can we say – Houston, we have a problem?

I’d recommend this face mask as something that is quick, it is advised to be used twice a week, so I’d say if you’re like me, try do it at the start and the end of your work week – time of day, totally up to you if you want to fight it before the mask or after the mask wearing – do you babe! I do have other products that have salicylic acid in so I make sure to combat existing blemishes but also other acids to help exfoliate any hyperpigmentation.

With ingredients with salicylic acid, rose water, meadowsweet extract and sunflower seed oil – which is a non-comedogenic highly absorbent carrier oil that won’t clog your pores is good for all skin types (including acne-prone). Medowsweet extract is known for helping rashes and irritation as it has anti-inflammatory, tightening, toning and astringent properties. The cooling sorbet texture is quite nice in the mornings when you want your face to wake up and help shrink those pores and brighten that appearance of tired, dull skin. Lancome say to pat this mask on, do not rub or masssage into the skin. I honestly didn't need a lot of this mask to cover my face, I used what was on the lid and patted it on. Instantly cooling and you don't really see it, which I quite like. I'd say the percentage of saliclyic acid is low being 13/20 on the ingredient list.

Purchase : Rose Sorbet Cryo-mask £25.50

Rose Milk Mist, my Lancome Beauty Advisor at my local counter is amazing! She introduced me to this product as she knows how much I love products with hyaluronic acid and salicylic acid, so this was recommended to me because well, that's all the selling point she needed - a good consultant who rememebers is hard to come by. The mist has a beautiful soft rose scent and comes in a milky lightweight texture. It's in a spray bottle that does need to be shaken first to mix the ingredients and to help the milk disperse out of the nozzle as it can get conjested and spurt out instead of giving a light mist. Hyaluronic Acid is known for it's hydrating properties, rose water which is Lancôme's signature ingredient known for it's soothing properties and Acacia Honey that helps illuminate the complexion -(this ingredient is in their Miel-En-Mousse Foaming Cleansing Makeup Remover.) Ideal for a dry, stressed and dull skin, as soon as the light mist hits my face it leaves it feeling moisturised, soothed and soft. It's a face mist like no other. You can put this over your makeup for a refreshing cooling sensation, it also doesn't disturb your complexion. Another thing I was told, is that it can be used on your hair. I like to keep this in the fridge, so it's kept even more cooler.

Purchase : Rose Milk Mist £25.00

Q. Have you ever tried Lancôme skincare before? If so, what did you love?

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  1. The rose milk mist sounds really nice. Going to have to get myself some of that

  2. I bet this stuff smells amazing. My skin is awful at the moment as I have to wear a mask for 9 hours a day

  3. Jess Howliston16/11/20

    My skin is definitely suffering, I think it is a combination of the weather and the mask! I do love a good face mask though and this one sounds amazing and love that it can be used quickly too! Will definitely go check it out, the mist sounds great too!

  4. These look so beautiful. I bet your skin feels like silk afterwards.

  5. I am yet to try Lancome skincare, I've only ever tried their mascaras! The mask and the mist sound amazing.
