It contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, essential fats needed to maintain healthy cells, nerves and brain function. Hemp when used for topical benefits has amazing cleansing and moisturising properties, it’s also good to prevent rashes and relief for acne.
For that reason, I decided to try Hempz lip balm. As the fat in hemp are similar to those found in the skin, it makes it an effective moisturiser and protectant for skin as it’ll increase the elasticity of the skin, bringing relief & preventing dry, tired or dehydrated skin. Not to forget it also adds vitamin D to the skin, allowing calcium into the skin which is needed for soft, smooth skin.
It’s this cold and central heating combination that lip care needs to be upped and I hate the feeling of dry, tight lips – ew, it’s just not me. I exfoliate my lips often because it prevents that but it also needs something on top to help keep it smooth and in good condition. In the short time of using this, I’m surprised this gluten free, 100% vegan and THC-free & 100% pure natural hemp seed oil lip balm is helping a great deal. I has a sweet citrus flavour – hello, I love citrus. What a combination hemp + citrus = smooth, kissable lips.