Veet EasyWax Electrical Roll-On Kit with Pomegranate Oil

I reviewed this product before last year. The difference in this one is, this cartridge has Pomegranate Oil in. Pomegranate oil is known for it's anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant soothing and moisturising properties, ideal oil for a product like this! Well that's if it worked for me. I've not a clue WHY this pomegranate oil cartridge didn't work for me. Let me tell you now I'm nursing a sore armpit, cos it ripped out about 5 hairs from my underams (believe me, times that by 1000 and you'll know how many hairs are under there) so it wasn't a successful rip. If you suffer from Chaetophobia you might not want to scroll down.

Let's start at the beginning, I plugged it in and looked at the time and said, right give it until the maximum 30 minute heat up time (20 is minimum) 40 minutes later, I'm shouting 'Shit!' running upstairs and expecting scalding hot such thing so I go wash and dried the underarm, slapped some talc under there so the wax doesn't stick to any skin.

Proceeded with waxing the top half of my underarm and it says to go upwards with the wax, o.k. it's some what warm but not much wax is coming out so I roll it over about 5-6 times, apply the strip and GO! I saw 3 visible hairs on the strip. As the wax was still there I went for another quick round, 2 more hairs and a sore pit. I gave up! I'm still nursing this soreness and it's not nice, I've had to not do a few days of exercise cos any sort of chaffing isn't comfortable.
BTW the smell for me, it's horrid. I just can't. I'm quite disappointed as I love the original formula and it works for me, this wax even 40 minutes later didn't do the job or roll out much wax. Thankfully the original cartridge is still available but for me unfortunately, this is a no.

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