RapidBrow 6 Week Update

I missed my 4 week RapidBrow update on the 16th March (sorry) so I'm now nearing the 6 week mark this coming Friday.

What has 6 weeks on RapidBrow done?

Keep in mind I'm on my 8th week of outgrowth but 6th week doing it using RapidBrow. Now comparing this picture to my 8th week complete outgrowth last year to me it seems a lot thicker. * Cannot believe I've been walking around like this and seeing as I gave up makeup for Lent people must be thinking I've let myself go lol *

I still have 2 weeks to go using RapidBrow, 13th April will conclude my review & 8 week treatment. The next two weeks will tell if RapidBrow can make my eyebrows thicker even more so. I'm still using the product at night and in the morning.

Can you tell a difference ? 

Purchase : RapidBrow
Price : £37.00
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