▸ Ring in the Bling - ruby red pearl tinged with light navy blue.
▸ Be Cherry! - bright crimson red.
▸ Suit & Tied - sandy beige
▸ Social-lights - slate grey glistening with amber warmth
▸ On Your Mistletoes - oxford blue
▸ New Year, New Hue - rich magenta purple.
I've got a few favourites here, Ring in the Bling is beautiful, with two coats it gives such a ruby slippers appearance, that screams Christmas. Social-lights, is a shade that isn't like one I've got. I was very taken by On Your Mistletoes, it normally wouldn't be me, but this shade is a definite yes. New Year, New Hue, a couple of layers and it dries down darker than what is displayed in the bottle but my goodness, it's sexy! Suit & Tied would definitely be in rotation for me, I do like nudes / beige shades when I don't know what to put on and this one isn't going to be an exception. I think Be Cherry! will grow on me, it's more a shade that can be worn any time of the year (like all colours for me) but I wouldn't pin it down to just Winter. Quite looking forward to displaying these nail shades this upcoming Winter.
Purchase: essie Winter Collection £7.99
Available from 25th October until 28th December 2017 in Boots.Samples.