Cloud Nine Magical Duet

Cloud Nine is a company I've heard of and seen around but never used anything from them. When I was asked if I wanted to review the Magical Duet set I was apprehensive due to other mishaps with brands and my hair but I thought let me give it a go from the perspective of hair that is mixture. When my hair is straight it favours more European hair in the aspect that it's bone straight, doesn't need much product, mostly oils and very fly away. When it's in it's natural curly 3b state it's more afro texture & needs a lot more product and moisture and oils to keep it hydrated.

Magical Duet
Magical Potion
Is an extreme heat protection and also a product that helps to speed up the drying process of your hair by up to 50%. Heat protectant is a necessity with any hair and working with heat. The drying process, erm I didn't like this part of it. Whatever is in the product to help it speed up the hair drying process just sucks out too much moisture out of my hair that I need. My hair lives for moisture, it's own and additional. Therefore speeding it up, leaves it straw like dry. I think it would work better for hair that doesn't need as much moisture and maybe for a roller set but for me - no bueno!
- edit : After having a conversation on twitter about it, throwing a few ideas on how to make it work. One suggestion was it could probably be used best when air drying instead of using additional heat on my hair. I'm going to try this when I'm speeding up my curls to dry. Might work better!

Magical Remedy
This is to pro-long hair colour, shine, smoothness and silkiness in between washes. I wrap my hair at night which helps to keep the hair smooth but I did like to use this on the ends of my hair when I was ironing it out as it says it could be used on dry hair. The cream is light and absorbs into the hair well (side note:- all these products smell amazing!) it's not that wet that it reverses my hair back to any curls. Once it's in my hair I will then chase the straighteners through following a comb and I've got smoothed out ends that aren't crispy or dry. I'd definitely use this as a conditioner and see how it works on my curls opposed to my straight hair.

It could be a great gift for a friend whose hair this could work with or even you, if your the type who washes the hair before work and need a speed dry, the magical potion will work for you. The Magical Remedy I think could work for most hair types including mine out of the two it was the most favoured but for the Magical Potion, unfortunately for my hair, I'll stick to the air drying when possible.

Have you tried anything from Cloud Nine or is there anything you'd want to try?

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