Honeycomb Natural Sponge

I started using sponges to wash with last year but I have to dispose them regularly to make sure there's no bacteria living and breeding on the sponge. Sponges have been used from the earliest documentation of the Greek Poet Homer 8th century BC, so we're talking a very long time ago, roughly 635 million years, why discard of such an oldie but goodie?

How natural are these sponges?
Sponges are collection from the ocean floor, cut off above the roots allowing them to regrow. They grow in Bahamas, Cuba, Florida and Greece, with a vast majority coming from the Florida Keys and Greek Mediterranean. Any stones, marine debris and algae are removed and high stage 10 cleaning and preparation begins. Because the Honeycomb is exceptionally superior in natural quality it's the most expensive type of sea sponge available on the market.

Wen it's dry, the sponge has a rough, exfoliating texture. Once immersed in water, the sponge is very soft, the outside has more of that somewhat rough exfoliating texture but not as rough when dry or to the point that it'll irritate the skin. The underside is very soft and slides across the skin allowing to wash your skin. It's quite weighty with the water filled into it but it reminds me of watching old films and if you've ever seen the female leads in a bubble bath with a sponge, it's normally a sponge like this. Squeezed out over the shoulders, it flows and washes over the skin.

 I did find small parts of the sponge that had broken off in the bath but I guess that's a natural occurrence and it doesn't spoil the sponge & it's not a deal breaker. I will pump my natural aloe vera body wash onto the sponge and I get a generous lather and the sponge gives me a chance to use more of the body wash without having to keep pumping as it seems to seep into the sponge and each time I scrunch it during use, I'm still getting more during my wash duration.

It's a luxury but lovely sponge, one that doesn't harbour bacteria or smell. Which means it'll last a lot longer than others on the market. There are other sponges available in different sizes and types, natural grass, natural silk and natural yellow.

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