This was part of my #Veetdaretobare bag, I wanted to focus on this because umm Summer is supposedly coming. I normally use my epilator, sometimes if the hairs are coming through and there not long enough to epilate, out comes a razor. Granted yeah I've been a little lazy as of late and Jesus you know I just wasn't blessed with being of little hair lol. TMI but honest. That's why sometimes the up keep is tiring and a full time job.
Waxing I've done in the past, such as the homemade wax and I've previously done Laser Hair Removal and had my lady garden waxed, just being a woman is a full time gig to keep the up keep and the legs are on display a lot during the Summer (whatever that means in the UK) SO to prepare that game, lets dare to go bare with the Veet EasyWax Electrical Roll-On Kit*
Within this kit you get, the applicator, wax cartridge, 12 wax strips, 4 finishing wipes, holder and plug adapter. I've seen a few reviews on blogs and on retailer websites saying that 20 minutes isn't long enough for this wax but I had no problem with the wax being left on for the recommended time.
The way I see waxing it's a two day job, exfoliate the day or night before to make sure the skin is free of any dead skin and to be honest I would say do it the previous day because waxing isn't easy on the skin. You don't want to make it raw or irritated.
If there's any residue left from the wax as you can see on my last image you can use the wipes to remove them, I did have to give it quite a scrub though - never easy.
Just I think, buy extra strips that will be my wise advice for this. 12 strips are definitely not enough, not for my hairy ways. I like to wax everything all in one go from ankle to thigh. I always feel brand new once hair free and tired. This is a fuss free way, no spatulas, just an applicator & strips. Personally I love the feeling of waxing :-) so this is all me, all over!!
How do you get your legs bare & summer ready?
*These products were sent to me for consideration for a review. This does not sway my opinion. This is 100% my view and research is that of my own!